Benjamin Barnes
Xavier Ellis
Jeff Landry
Patrick Barthel
Keitron Gagnon
Frank Scurlock
Daniel Cole
Sharon Hewitt
Stephen Waguespack
Oscar Dantzler Jr.
Xan John
1. Why are you uniquely qualified to be the next Governor of Louisiana?
| Jeffery Istre | Hunter Lundy | John Schroder | Shawn D. Wilson |
2. Louisiana often appears at the low end of many national rankings and between 2010 and 2022, was one of the few states to experience population decline. As Governor, what will you do to reverse this trend and make Louisiana attractive to individuals and businesses?
| Jeffery Istre | Hunter Lundy | John Schroder | Shawn D. Wilson |
3. The 2022 Legislative Session made a significant one-time investment in Louisiana’s roads and bridges, but challenges remain, especially projects such as I-49 in Northwest Louisiana. As Governor, what steps do you feel need to be taken to address the state’s crumbling transportation infrastructure, and how will you complete the I-49 Inner City Connector?
| Jeffery Istre | Hunter Lundy | John Schroder | Shawn D. Wilson |
4. During the 2021 and 2022 Legislative Sessions numerous tax reform initiatives were proposed, including consolidating and streamlining the sales tax system, reauthorizing or eliminating the .45 cent sales tax and eliminating or reducing some personal and businesses taxes. Most of these reform efforts failed. As Governor, what changes do you believe are needed to Louisiana’s tax system and how will you make those changes a reality?
| Jeffery Istre | Hunter Lundy | John Schroder | Shawn D. Wilson |
5. While Louisiana made its first investment in early childhood education in 2022, this investment addresses only a small portion of the need. At the same time, other states are developing statewide initiatives to bolster access to high quality childcare as a competitive advantage. As Governor, what role do you believe the state should play in offering and funding quality early education options in the state for children under age four, and how would you implement these initiatives?
| Jeffery Istre | Hunter Lundy | John Schroder | Shawn D. Wilson |
6. Employers at all levels report that they are having significant difficulty finding workers with the skills they need. K-12 truancy is also at an all-time high. As Governor, what specific steps do you believe are necessary to enable Louisiana’s education system to produce the workforce that can power Louisiana’s future?
| Jeffery Istre | Hunter Lundy | John Schroder | Shawn D. Wilson |
7. Louisiana has historically been a leader in the oil and gas industry but has the potential to play a leading role in other energy sectors as well. As Governor, how will you balance opportunities in the state’s petroleum sector with those provided by the global energy transition currently underway?
| Jeffery Istre | Hunter Lundy | John Schroder | Shawn D. Wilson |
8.There has been a great deal spoken and written about the need for a Constitutional Convention. Do you believe such a Convention is warranted and if so, how should it be structured and what specifically should it accomplish?
| Jeffery Istre | Hunter Lundy | John Schroder | Shawn D. Wilson |
9. Shreveport is experiencing a wave of violent crime similar to other cities around the country. What role do you believe the state should play in helping to support local criminal justice systems, especially public defenders, crime labs, district attorneys and judges?
| Jeffery Istre | Hunter Lundy | John Schroder | Shawn D. Wilson |
10. This will be your final question and will include your final remarks. We’ve covered the priorities that are important to us, such as fiscal concerns, education and transportation. Are there issues you want to cover that we have not asked about?
| Jeffery Istre | Hunter Lundy | John Schroder | Shawn D. Wilson |
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